Even though it can be a frustrating situation, it doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t get the job. It can happen even when the hiring manager is very interested in interviewing you, and everyone’s intentions are good. 

What to Do If Your Phone Interviewer Doesn’t Call

The reason for missing your call can be something as simple as a miscommunication or an inadvertent time mix-up on the part of your interviewer.  If your interviewer doesn’t call or isn’t available when you call for your scheduled interview, here’s what to do:

Try not to stress. If your interviewer misses your call, it’s most likely not a reflection of you as a candidate. They could be caught up in a meeting or on another line, so don’t think that the miscommunication will negatively impact your probability of getting the job. Take a deep breath and move on to the next step.Double-check the number to make sure you dialed it correctly. If you called the right number and no one answered, the blame’s not on you if you can’t get in touch. If you didn’t call the correct number, don’t panic. Start over and try again. If you’re a few minutes late, apologize for the delay.If possible, leave a message when they don’t answer. State your name, the reason you’re calling (for the interview) and the current time, as well as your contact information and how long you’ll be available to wait for the interviewer to get back to you.Shoot them an email, too. You might say something like:

How Long Should You Wait for a Call Back?

Your time is valuable, so you shouldn’t feel obligated to sit by the phone and wait all day for a callback. Wait at least 15 minutes before giving up, but you shouldn’t feel the need to wait for more than half an hour. I am emailing you in regard to our phone interview scheduled for today at 2 PM. I called you twice but wasn’t able to get in touch. I will be available for another 30 minutes and hope to hear from you by then. If not, I am happy to reschedule at your convenience. Thanks again for the opportunity to interview. Best, Arliss Grimes

Be patient and polite when deciding to reschedule. Although it’s annoying to have to reschedule an interview, something may have come up that was outside your interviewer’s control. Even if it was truly their fault, which you don’t have any way of knowing, it’s still important to be kind and respectful when rescheduling.It’s also a good idea to send your interviewer a brief confirmation email one or two hours before your scheduled appointment. You might write something like: 

What If It Happens Again?

What happens if you decide to reschedule, and they don’t answer all over again? Unfortunately, this can happen on occasion, and it can be an extremely frustrating situation. As a solution, see if your interviewer will agree to call you, so it’s on them to get in touch. I just wanted to confirm our phone interview in one hour—at 3 PM. I’m looking forward to speaking with you. Thanks again. Talk soon! Jeremy Klein

What to Do If You Miss the Call

There’s another scenario in which you could fail to connect with the interviewer, and that’s missing the call on your end. When that happens, your first instinct might be to panic; don’t. Take a deep breath, get yourself together, and rectify the situation by doing the following: Call promptly as soon as you’re able to do so. Give yourself a moment to calm down and to assemble everything you need: The job description, your resume, your notes, and your calendar. Then call back right away. Apologize quickly–and briefly. Be accountable and apologetic, but don’t belabor the point. Beating yourself up won’t make a good first impression. If now is not a good time for them, reschedule the interview at their convenience. Follow your apology by asking, “Is now a good time, or would you have availability at some point this week to talk?” or something similar. Keep your calendar close at hand so that you can be sure that the new meeting time works for you, and don’t block yourself in when making the appointment. Remove any obstacles that might prevent you from making the most of the second chance. For example, if your call dropped, make sure you’re in an area that has better reception, or use a landline if you have access to one. If traffic held you up, plan your next conversation for a time when you’ll definitely be at your desk. Most importantly, don’t beat yourself up. A lot of things can go wrong when two people try to connect for a phone interview. Technology might fail you, or meetings could run late. Most people understand that life is full of speed bumps and will give a conscientious and responsible candidate another chance. 

Follow Up With a Thank-You Note

As always, when you do get in touch, and your phone interview is finished, send your interviewer an email thank-you note expressing your gratitude for the opportunity to talk and for their flexibility in scheduling the appointment.