What the Interviewer Wants to Know

Employers ask this question for a variety of reasons. They might want to know that you are organized and can do all of your work in the allotted time. They also might want to make sure you maintain a decent work-life balance (which many employers believe will ultimately make you a happier, and thus better, employee). However, some employers really are looking for people who make work the center of their lives, and want to assess just how dedicated to the job you will be. Even employers who do not expect in-depth work on projects after business hours may want employees to frequently check email from home. For some roles, a certain amount of after-hours work is built in. For instance, a social media manager for a late-night TV show may have to monitor online comments after business hours.  Answering this question, therefore, requires you to know a bit about the particular company and job.

How to Answer the Question

Before you answer, think about the company culture.  If you know the employer values work-life balance or time management skills, you will want to emphasize your ability to complete your work during work hours so that you can focus on family or other activities after work. If the company requires employees to put in lots of extra hours and emphasizes the need for dedication and passion in the workplace, you may want to stress your willingness to bring projects home in order to ensure high-quality work. If you aren’t sure of what the employer is looking for, the safest way to answer is to emphasize your organizational skills while also saying that, when necessary, you will take work home with you. Try not to be negative about bringing work home, since that may be something that is common at the company. However you respond, do be honest.  This question also provides you an opportunity to think about whether or not the job is the right fit for you.  Always remember, an interview is a two-way street. Just as the employer is finding out what you would be like as a worker, you’re discovering what it would like to work for the company. If the employer clearly wants you to take work home with you regularly, but you value your free time, you may want to consider not taking the job. Instead, look for jobs at companies that value work-life balance.

Examples of the Best Answers

Why It Works: This person demonstrates that they understand the importance of deadlines.  Why It Works: This candidate uses the question to highlight an important skill. But they also show they’re flexible and will bring work home when it’s necessary.  Why It Works: This thoughtful response shows the candidate has assessed a work strategy that’s effective for their work-life balance, while having an awareness of the occasional need to prioritize working after hours or on weekends. 

Tips for Giving the Best Response

Research the company—and the role. Understanding the company’s expectations and needs will help you frame your response. Be honest. While you want to appeal to the interviewer, don’t do so at the expense of your own priorities. If you truly cannot—or do not want to—bring work home, give a response that makes that clear to the interviewer. Emphasize your time-management skills. A good tactic for dealing with this question is to focus on how you avoid situations where you need to work beyond business hours. 

What Not to Say 

Don’t be too negative. Try not to be disparaging about taking work home. This could make you seem lazy or like you’re not a team player. Instead, put a focus on having boundaries in place for your work-life balance. Don’t be too vague. If you’re unsure of the company culture, you might want to opt for a middle road. That’s fine, but make sure your response isn’t so vague and generalized that the interviewer can’t get a sense of who you are. If you always check your email when you wake up (or if you never answer emails after 6 pm), it’s OK to own these traits. 

Possible Follow-Up Questions 

How do you handle a heavy workload? - Best Answers How do you handle stress? - Best Answers How do you define success? - Best Answers

• Be honest in your response—it’s not worth it to accept a job where people will expect you to work at home if you do not wish to do so.  • No matter how your respond, emphasizing your time management skills is a good idea.