Wait Before Responding

The first thing you should do is…nothing. Give yourself some time to calm down before you make a move. You may feel sad or angry in the immediate aftermath of the review, and it can be dangerous to respond to your boss while you’re in this state of mind. You may say something you’ll regret later on.

Read and Analyze the Review

Taking at least 24 hours to go over your boss’s evaluation will give you time to carefully and honestly consider everything in it. Try to understand the feedback and come up with a list of questions about things that you find to be confusing. Ask yourself if the criticism is truly unjustified or if it just offends you. Don’t let your feelings get in the way of objectivity.

Decide Whether To Meet With Your Boss

Meeting with your boss may not be mandatory in your organization, but it’s usually a smart move. A face-to-face talk should provide a chance to share your point of view. But you might want to forgo a meeting if there’s no chance your boss will listen to anything you say or if you think the discussion might escalate into an argument. Keep in mind that not all bosses prefer the same types of communication. The better you know your boss, the more effective you’ll be able to communicate. For example, some bosses prefer verbal communication, so a face-to-face meeting makes sense. In other situations, a boss may be busy or work odd hours, and they’d prefer an email that they can read in their spare time. Use the opportunity to create a plan, along with your boss, if the criticism is fair.

Disagreeing With Your Evaluation

Don’t just walk into your boss’s office and demand to meet on the spot. Disrupting their workflow will set a negative tone for the meeting. Follow your workplace protocol to schedule an appointment.

Present a Plan To Improve Your Performance

The purpose of your meeting is to either refute your boss’s negative feedback or present a plan to improve your performance. Prepare for this step before you schedule the appointment so you’re ready if your boss wants to sit down with you sooner than expected. Acknowledge any valid criticism and talk about your plan to improve, then bring up any issues that you feel are inaccurate. Use clear examples to back up your position. Provide proof that you have, indeed, met all your deadlines if your boss says you have poor time management skills.

What Not To Do During Your Meeting

Take care not to lose your temper, no matter how angry you feel, and do not cry under any excuses. Don’t make excuses or blame your coworkers.

Follow Up After Your Meeting

Send your boss an email reiterating everything discussed during the meeting. Put it in writing if you’ve come up with a plan for improvement. Print the email out and keep it in a safe place. You’ll have it if you later need evidence to back up any claims that you aren’t taking steps to improve your performance. Want to read more content like this? Sign up for The Balance’s newsletter for daily insights, analysis, and financial tips, all delivered straight to your inbox every morning!