Seller’s remorse often happens because the homeowner wasn’t really motivated in the first place. Sometimes they think they want to sell, but they don’t really have a good reason to do so. It can also be a very emotional decision, bound to evoke second thoughts.

Seller’s Remorse Defined

Seller’s remorse happens when a homeowner decides it was a mistake to list their home for sale and no longer has a desire to sell, particularly when they didn’t have a strong reason for selling. Sometimes sellers want to “test” the market to see how much a buyer will offer and to figure out whether a home is priced right, but that’s pointless. How much a homeowner wants for a property doesn’t really matter unless the high amount the seller hopes to get for the property is hopelessly out of the question.

An Example

A seller of a Victorian fourplex in Sacramento decided to put his home on the market, because he felt the market was declining. He thought that the value would fall so low if he were to wait a few more years that he would lose any opportunity to make a reasonable profit. He panicked when his real estate agent brought him an offer. He came to the conclusion that he couldn’t really part with his home of 16 years at any price. He froze when the time came to sign on the dotted line.

Do You Really Want to Sell?

Owners can prevent seller’s remorse by thinking through the entire process and having a plan—a relocation goal—that includes strong reasons for selling. Draw up a list, sorted by the benefits of selling on one side, and the drawbacks on the other. You should sell if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Otherwise, don’t put your home on the market.

Contingent Contracts

Homeowners can fall back on contingent contracts if they’re worried about not being able to find a suitable replacement home after their property sells. Contingent contracts give sellers a period of time to relocate to another home without an obligation to actually close escrow with the buyer if that replacement home isn’t found.

It’s Probably Going To Hurt

Expect to grieve, even if you have strong reasons for moving on and relocating is more of a positive than a negative. Expect stress. Rushes of emotion as the closing date draws near aren’t uncommon, but you’ll be better able to deal with them if you anticipate them, particularly if you’ve raised a family in that house or have other strong memories associated with it.

How a Seller Can Cancel a Listing

A listing agreement is a binding contract between the seller and the real estate broker. Not every listing agent binds the homeowner to sell the home if they change their mind, but it works both ways. Not every agent will let a seller cancel, either, so that might be a detail to discuss before signing a listing agreement. Exclusive right-to-sell listings are common, and they entitle a broker to a commission if a ready, willing, and able buyer makes a full-price purchase offer. Homeowners who develop seller’s remorse can cancel these listings, but they might end up owing the broker a commission if the broker performs. Many real estate agents enjoy good reputations in their communities and would be willing to cancel a listing, but you should ask about that before you sign. It can take time to cancel a listing as well, because only a real estate broker or manager can do so. The listing doesn’t actually belong to the agent. Talk to the agent, the agent’s broker, and, perhaps, your real estate lawyer before pulling the plug. Somewhere along the line, you should be able to work out a compromise that’s agreeable to everybody.

When Seller’s Remorse Occurs at Closing

Little is more discouraging for all parties involved than to slug it out through the home-inspection process and get all the way to closing, only to discover that the seller is a no-show. Although there have been a few isolated court cases where judges have ruled against these homeowners, the court generally will not make a seller sell. A would-be buyer often retains the right to pursue damages and sue the non-performing seller, however, and brokers likely will have earned a commission and be entitled to demand payment at that point.