In some states, an unemployed worker can sometimes receive partial benefits if they work less than a full week and earn a certain amount of money—and if they meet other requirements. Review information on partial unemployment benefits, who is eligible to receive them, and guidelines for receiving compensation.

Eligibility for Partial Unemployment Benefits

Partial unemployment benefits are available to both unemployed and part-time employees. Most people who collect unemployment are out of work, but partial unemployment benefits allow those who are still working to claim aid as well. If your hours have been reduced or you are working part-time and cannot find additional work, you may be eligible for partial unemployment benefits. There are several circumstances that may make a person eligible for assistance:

An employee whose hours were cut from full-time to part-time.A worker who is underemployed or working part-time as the only alternative to being laid off.A person who lost their full-time job or even one of two part-time jobs, and was only able to find part-time or temporary work, may also meet the requirements to receive benefits.

Although benefit eligibility varies, most states agree that a worker who voluntarily chooses to cut back on hours or work part-time is not eligible for partial unemployment benefits.

Requirements for Collecting

The type of employment and number of working hours are not the only determinants for partial unemployment benefits. Depending on the state, you must meet a minimum earning level or a certain number of hours worked before you are eligible for unemployment. For example, in New York state, workers must meet the following requirements:

You must have worked and earned enough wages in covered employment. You must be ready, willing, and able to work, and actively looking for work during each week in which you are claiming benefits.

To collect partial unemployment benefits in New York, you can work up to seven days per week without losing all your benefits for that week, if you work 30 hours or fewer and earn $504 or less in gross pay, excluding earnings from self-employment. Benefits will be reduced in increments based on the total hours worked for the week. Again, your state’s laws will vary. Regardless of the specifics, these requirements are usually the same for all types of unemployment benefit initiatives. Finally, a person must be ready and able to work more hours.

When Can’t You File for Partial Unemployment?

In general, voluntary reasons to reduce working hours are not sufficient for collecting partial unemployment. So, for example, these reasons likely won’t make the cut:

Cutting your working hours to return to school or acquire additional training.Working a reduced schedule to accommodate childcare or other caregiving needs.Quitting your full-time work and acquiring a part-time job that doesn’t pay as much as your previous employment.

Regardless, it may make sense to file anyway. Your state unemployment office will be able to tell you whether you’re entitled to receive benefits—and you never know until you try.

How Much Money You’ll Receive

Each state will determine your benefit payout based on several factors. Many state unemployment agencies have online calculators for eligible individuals to get an idea of their potential benefits. Typically, the state determines a reasonable, sustainable, weekly value and then subtracts the amount you are already earning each week. When a claimant receives partial benefits, the unemployment claim will be extended until the claimant receives the maximum benefit amount determined by the state, or until the benefit year ends, whichever occurs first.